Working with the California Apartment Association, the Santa Rosa City Council has created a $100,000 fund to compensate landlords should they lose money through their participation in the Section 8…
With the spread of “just cause” eviction requirements throughout the state, it has become increasingly important for landlords to develop and consistently apply appropriate screening criteria to potential tenants. Those…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Mike Nemeth, communications director (916) 449-6426, The California Apartment Association today announced that it will lead a campaign to defeat anti-housing crusader Michael Weinstein’s latest…
The Rancho Cordova City Council adopted a temporary no-cause eviction ordinance intended to prevent owners from terminating tenancies before AB 1482 takes effect on Jan. 1, 2020. The action was…
Rental owners and property managers in the city of Sacramento are focused on complying with AB 1482 as well as the Tenant Protection and Relief Act passed by the Sacramento…
Thanks to the efforts of the California Apartment Association, a proposal to implement a permanent “just cause” for eviction ordinance, and impose it at the beginning of tenancies, failed to…
Despite staunch opposition from the California Apartment Association, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday approved a permanent rent control ordinance for unincorporated areas of the county. The…
The Mountain View City Council on Tuesday decided to place its own measure before voters seeking changes to the city’s rent control ordinance. The measure, approved on a 5-2 vote,…
Cities across California this week continued to pursue urgency stopgap ordinances intended to prevent no-cause evictions before AB 1482 takes effect Jan. 1. Approving stopgap measures Tuesday were the following…
The Inglewood City Council this week adopted a long-term rent control policy that caps annual increases at 3%. The Housing Protection Initiative also creates a per-unit fee of up to…