We, the members of the California Apartment Association, recognize our ethical duties to the communities of which we are a part. Being ever mindful of the increasing role of the rental housing industry in providing homes, we have united ourselves for the purpose of improving the services and conditions of the rental housing industry.
Therefore we adopt this Code of Ethics as our guide in dealing with all people and encourage all members of the rental housing industry to abide by these ethical principles.
- We comply with all applicable law and regulations.
- We comply with the CAA Code of Equal Housing Opportunity.
- We comply with the CAA Resident Bill of Rights.
- We recognize the value of written contracts and endorse their use.
- We commit to honesty, integrity and fair dealing in our capacity as rental housing professionals.
- As rental housing professionals, we act to better the communities of which we are a part.
- We maintain an equitable and cooperative relationship among the members of this association.
- We promote the conservation of natural resources and preservation of the environment.
- We believe in and encourage ongoing education for all participants in the rental housing industry.
CAA’s Code for Equal Housing Opportunity
We, the members of the California Apartment Association, support the spirit and intent of all local, state and federal fair housing laws for all residents without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, marital status, military or veteran status, national origin, ancestry, immigration status, familial status, source of income, disability of that person or whether that person is the victim of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, human trafficking, or abuse of an elder or a dependent adult.
We believe that equal opportunity can best be accomplished through effective leadership, education, and the mutual cooperation of owners, managers, and the public. Therefore, as members of the California Apartment Association, we agree to abide by the following provisions of this Code of Equal Housing Opportunity:
- We agree that in the rental, lease, sale, purchase or exchange of real property, owners and their employees have the responsibility to offer housing accommodations to all persons on an equal basis.
- We agree to set and implement fair and reasonable rental housing rules and guidelines and will provide equal and consistent services throughout our residents’ tenancy.
- We agree that we have no right or responsibility to volunteer information regarding the racial, creed or ethnic composition of any neighborhood and we do not engage in any behavior or action that would result in “steering.”
- We agree not to print, display or circulate any statement or advertisement that indicates any preference, limitations or discrimination in the rental or sale of housing.