The California Apartment Association has published compliance documents to help landlords follow Sacramento’s Tenant Protection Program. CAA’s resources highlight the Sacramento Tenant Protection and Relief Act and how it interacts…
A COVID-19 economic relief package signed by President Trump on Sunday includes $25 billion to help struggling tenants pay their landlords. The aid package won Trump’s signature several days after…
Rental operators in South Pasadena will soon have to apply for permits before issuing notices of lease terminations to conduct substantial remodels.
Sacramento landlords and tenants affected by COVID-19 have until the end of this month to sign up for free city-funded mediation services. The program, run through Sacramento Mediation Center, is…
With a pandemic, a recession, riots, and wildfires, it’s safe to chalk up 2020 as a horrible year for just about everyone. Landlords certainly had it tough. Unpaid rents, rising vacancies, and unreasonable eviction restrictions made operations…
The California Apartment Association is calling on Congress to include COVID-19 rental assistance in its next federal relief package. CAA on Dec. 11 urged its members to echo that request…
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors has postponed a decision on the future of its COVID-19 eviction moratorium. Supervisors on Dec. 8 were prepared to renew and amend their…
California lawmakers introduced a pair of bills that would keep COVID-19 eviction protections in place well into 2021 and perhaps longer. News of the bills came Monday, Dec. 7, the…
San Mateo County’s public transportation system is gauging landlord interest in its bulk transit pass program. SamTrans’ Way2Go program allows residential complexes and companies to purchase annual unlimited-ride bus passes…
California lawmakers are introducing a pair of bills that would keep COVID-19 eviction protections in place well into 2021 and perhaps longer. News of the bills came Monday, Dec. 7,…