California housing officials are recommending new residential cooling standards that could impose significant costs on rental housing providers, reviving a debate that stalled similar proposals in the past.
Legislation introduced this month at the state Capitol would freeze rent increases across Los Angeles County for a year following the end of the region’s state of emergency related to…
The California Apartment Association is urging landlords to contact Los Angeles County supervisors and request critical modifications to a proposed ordinance regulating indoor temperatures in rental housing. The measure, expected…
California landlords face a host of new legal requirements in 2025, including changes to security deposit documentation, screening fee policies, and expanded protections for domestic violence survivors. To help landlords navigate…
The California Apartment Association’s 2024 Year-End Legislative Report, now available on demand, provided a detailed overview of the new laws impacting rental housing providers starting in 2025. The session also…
To ensure California landlords are ready to comply with new laws taking effect in 2025, the California Apartment Association is hosting a webinar for its members at 10 a.m. on…
The California Apartment Association is back with its highly valued Year-in-Review Webinar Series, specially developed to empower rental property owners and managers as they get ready for 2025. This series,…
As we do each year, the California Apartment Association weighed in on hundreds of rental housing-related bills at the state Capitol. We successfully stopped the most problematic bills from reaching…
The California Apartment Association has opened registration for the first two segments of its highly anticipated Year-in-Review Webinar Series, designed to equip rental housing providers with vital updates and insights…
Question: Many of my tenants have e-bikes and scooters. Should I add the micromobility device storage addendum in my lease? Can I prohibit these devices? I am worried about fires.