The San Diego Union-Tribune has joined major newspapers from across California in opposing Proposition 21, the radical rent control measure going before voters Nov. 3. “Rent control is the wrong…
Orange County Register
California’s McClatchy newspapers — including the Sacramento, Fresno and Modesto Bees — today joined a chorus of other news outlets urging voters to reject Proposition 21, the radical rent control…
Tenant activists have again failed to collect enough signatures to place a rent control measure before voters in the city of Santa Ana. On Monday, Tenants United Santa Ana turned…
It’s against federal law to hold a Section 8 voucher-holder accountable for a local housing authority’s failure to pay the rent. This means that a property owner cannot require a…
Tenant activists in Glendale this week turned in less than half of the signatures required to place a rent control measure before city voters, prompting the city clerk to reject…