Beginning Jan. 1 2022, California rental housing providers will have to provide a booklet on mold to prospective residents. The booklet, “Information on Dampness and Mold for Renters in California,”…
Knowledge Base
Industry Insights
Inspections: Residential Rental Housing
Numerous communities throughout California have either adopted or are considering residential rental housing inspection ordinances. The typical ordinance imposes a fee on property owners, followed by an inspection of the…
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Forms CA-290
Itemized Disposition of Security Deposit
This form provides the mandatory accounting for the disposition of the security deposit upon the tenant’s move-out. Receipts must be attached. Do not complete this form without first reviewing the…
This form provides the mandatory accounting for the disposition of the security deposit upon the tenant’s move-out. Receipts must be attached. Do not complete this form without first reviewing the…
Forms CA-420
Itemized Statement of Charges
This form can be used when there are not a sufficient number of pages to itemize charges other than rent for each month with unpaid charges on the Three-Day Notice…
Industry Insights
Just Cause Eviction – Local Eviction Control Measures
Most rental housing owners and managers are familiar with the concept of rent control and have a basic understanding of the ways in which it impacts their business. Less well…
Industry Insights
Late Fees: Residential Rental Payment
The amount of late fees charged by owners and managers of residential rental property is a matter of some controversy. Unlike some other states, California does not set the amount…
Forms CA-332
Laundry Lease Agreement
Allows a property owner to set specifications between the property owner and owner of laundry machines.
Forms CA-071
Lead Based Paint Disclosure Addendum
This addendum to the rental/lease agreement must be signed by all residents as proof of disclosure of known lead hazards and receipt by the tenant of the federal booklet, Protect…