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Knowledge Base
This form confirms the Resident’s intent to vacate. Do not use this form if the resident has provided a defective notice to vacate. Instead, consider using the Response To Resident’s Defective Notice Of…
Industry Insights
Anti-Price Gouging Laws – States of Emergency
California’s anti-price gouging statute, Penal Code Section 396, prohibits individuals, specified industries, and service providers from raising the price of many consumer goods and services by more than 10 percent…
Industry Insights
Disclosures: Lease and Rental Agreement: Rent Payments and Agents
California law requires rental property owners or their agents to provide to tenants specific information in the rental agreement (if no written agreement exists, the owner must still provide to…
Industry Insights
Enforcement of Judgments: Wage Garnishments (SB 1477)
On September 29, 2022, Governor Gavin Newsom signed SB 1477 (Wieckowski) into law that will limit the use of wage garnishment in the collection of unpaid rent and other debts. …
Forms CA-250
Fourteen-Day Notice of Residents Intent to Vacate (Domestic Violence and other Special Circumstances)
This form is used by the resident to give legal notice to the owner of the resident’s intent to terminate the Rental Agreement for reasons of domestic violence, elder abuse,…
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Forms CA-270
Notice of Cash Demand
This form provides notice to a Resident whose check has been returned for insufficient funds that the owner will now require payments in cash for three months. Do not complete…