Landlords in the city of Los Angeles with properties not covered by the city’s rent control law should prepare to comply with updated processes and a new annual fee, as…
Despite objections from the California Apartment Association, the Los Angeles City Council has approved updates to the Tenant Anti-Harassment Ordinance that could lead to increased lawsuits against rental housing providers.
The Los Angeles City Council is considering a proposal to eliminate substantial remodels as a reason for no-fault terminations, currently allowed under the California Tenant Protection Act (AB 1482).
The city of Long Beach has delayed action on a proposal that would impose eviction controls immediately on new tenancies, following opposition from the California Apartment Association and local property…
The City of Long Beach Housing Forum, originally scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 3, has been postponed. A new date and time will be announced soon. In the meantime, Long Beach…
The Antioch City Council on Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2024, preliminarily approved a stricter “just cause” eviction ordinance, going beyond the eviction provisions of the California Tenant Protection Act of 2019.
The Salinas City Council on Tuesday took significant steps toward enacting rent control and additional tenant protections, despite strong opposition from the California Apartment Association and local property owners.
Thanks to the advocacy efforts of the California Apartment Association, Burbank’s tenant protection ordinance will exclude an anti-retaliation provision that conflicts with California law.
The California Apartment Association has updated its compliance materials for San Diego’s just cause for eviction ordinance in response to recent amendments passed by the City Council. The city’s “just…
After years of debate, the Concord City Council on March 5 passed a long-anticipated rent control ordinance on a 4-1 vote, with Councilwoman Laura Hoffmeister remaining opposed. The council’s action…