This form contains the essential legal terminology needed and required statutory language when you wish to increase the rent for a month-to-month tenancy for a rental unit that is subject…
Forms CA-157
Thirty-Day Notice of Change of Monthly Rent (Properties Exempt from State Rent Control)
This form contains the essential legal terminology needed when you wish to increase the rent for a month-to-month tenancy for a rental unit that is exempt from AB 1482 rent…
Forms CA-157S
Thirty-Day Notice of Change of Monthly Rent (Properties Exempt from State Rent Control) (Spanish)
This form contains the essential legal terminology needed when you wish to increase the rent for a month-to-month tenancy for a rental unit that is exempt from AB 1482 rent…
This form contains the essential legal terminology needed when you wish to increase the rent for a month-to-month tenancy for a rental unit that is subject to AB 1482 Rent…
Forms CA-158S
Thirty-Day Notice of Change of Monthly Rent (Properties Subject to AB 1482 Rent Caps) (Spanish)
This form contains the essential legal terminology needed when you wish to increase the rent for a month-to-month tenancy for a rental unit that is subject to AB 1482 Rent…
Forms CA-247
Thirty-Day Notice of Resident’s Intent to Vacate
This form can be used by the resident to give legal notice to the owner of the resident’s intent to terminate the month-to-month Rental Agreement on a specific date. In…
This form notifies the tenant on a month-to-month Rental Agreement, that the rental property must be surrendered no later than 30 days following service of notice. Use only if any…
Forms SD-010
Three Day Notice to Perform Conditions and/or Covenants or Quit – City of San Diego (Monetary Breach)
(For use with units subject to San Diego’s just cause eviction ordinance) San Diego’s Residential Tenant Protections Ordinance to Prevent Displacement and Homelessness (the ordinance or just cause eviction ordinance)…
Updated November 25, 2024 This notice is served when the rent is past due and notifies the tenant that the rent must be paid within 3 days or the property…
(For use with units subject to San Diego’s just cause eviction ordinance) San Diego’s Residential Tenant Protections Ordinance to Prevent Displacement and Homelessness (the ordinance or just cause eviction ordinance)…