The Asbestos Class III Refresher is to be taken every year after your initial 2-day class III course. You will have needed to complete the initial course in order to take this refresher. You will also need to make sure you obtain an updated fit-test on your respirator after you finish the online class. This training is required by all employees who perform maintenance work that disturb or has the potential to disturb asbestos.
Course overview:
- History & Background information
- What is asbestos
- Materials and Classifications of asbestos
- Why use asbestos in our products
- What is the concern with asbestos
- Asbestos worker Classification
- Sampling & Reports
- Health effects of asbestos
- Respirators
- Regulations
Prerequisite: 16 hour Asbestos two-day competent level Class III Course and/or current annual refresher.
Online class time is approx. 2 hours
Cost: $99 Member or $149 Non-Member