The Los Angeles Housing Committee last week advanced a proposal to raise the annual apartment inspection fee by nearly 60%.
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Thanks to the efforts of the California Apartment Association, multifamily operators in the city of Los Angeles can delay paying this year’s steep increase in waste-hauling charges for several months.…
Legislation introduced last week aims to tax property owners for the “privilege” of providing rental homes and create a searchable database of certain rental properties.
Los Angeles County this month will begin holding a series of stakeholder meetings where rental property owners can discuss the impacts of the county’s eviction moratorium on their rental business.…
The city of Los Angeles wants its waste haulers to reconsider the timing of a fee increase on rental property owners and other customers. The city’s waste haulers have planned…
California cities and counties have one week to decide whether they’ll conform with the state funding allocation under SB 91, the latest legislative response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its…
The California Apartment Association has worked with the city of San Jose to require that tenants declare COVID-related financial hardships before qualifying for the city’s new rent freeze. The new…
Gov. Gavin Newsom today signed a bill that will use $2.6 billion in federal funds to pay landlords up to 80% of rent owed by qualifying tenants with COVID-19 financial…
The California Legislature today approved a bill that will use $2.6 billion in federal funds to pay landlords up to 80% of rent owed by qualifying tenants with COVID-19 financial…
While Los Angeles has left many landlords unable to collect any rent during the pandemic, it’s now given waste haulers the go-ahead to increase fees on those very rental property…