Statewide, L.A. and San Diego editions online

Miss the California Apartment Association’s Year-End Webinars? No worries.
After debuting earlier this week, CAA’s panel-discussion webinars, designed to help rental housing providers understand 2023’s major developments for the rental housing industry and what new laws are coming in 2024, are now available on-demand. This includes the statewide webinar, as well as specialized sessions tailored for rental property owners in the cities of San Diego and Los Angeles.
Expert panelists
The statewide version, led by Tom Bannon, chief executive officer of CAA, along with Debra Carlton, Executive Vice President of State Public Affairs; Joshua Howard, Executive Vice President of Local Public Affairs; and Whitney Prout, Executive Vice President of Legal Affairs, offers an overview of new rental housing laws taking effect statewide. Topics covered include a new cap on security deposits, changes in the eviction process, the rights of tenants to store e-bikes and e-scooters in their units, and more.
The session also delves into the latest developments on rent control, including regional legislative trends, the ongoing challenges to rent control in the courts, and a statewide ballot measure that would repeal the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act, allowing a return to forms of extreme rent control at the city level.
Los Angeles and San Diego in focus
In addition to legislative updates at the state level, the Los Angeles and San Diego webinars cover city-specific issues, including the intersection of state law with city policy.
For the Los Angeles session, Fred Sutton, Senior Vice President of Local Public Affairs in Los Angeles, joined the panel, offering insights tailored to the unique challenges and regulatory environment in L.A. The San Diego webinar, featuring Melanie Woods, Vice President of Local Public Affairs in San Diego, addressed specific issues pertinent to San Diego’s rental housing market.
These webinars serve as a resource for rental housing owners and managers, providing insights into legislative changes, the dynamics of the tenants’ rights movement, and the broader implications of the evolving state Legislature on landlord-tenant law. They offer a platform to grasp both the statewide perspective and the specific challenges in San Diego and Los Angeles.
Free to members, discount for nonmembers
CAA members can access these webinars for free as a part of their membership benefits. Nonmembers are invited to view these sessions for a fee of $79, with special discount codes available to reduce the cost to $39, valid through the end of this year. Additionally, these webinars qualify for 1 Unit of CCRM Continuing Education Credit.
To stay in the know with the latest information and strategies in navigating the dynamic landscape of the rental housing industry in California, especially in its major cities, register now for these on-demand webinars.
Get your webinar today
CAA members have free access to all three webinars. Nonmembers are invited to register for each webinar for a nominal fee of $79. Use the discount codes listed below through Dec. 31, 2023, to access the series for only $39.
Meet the speakers

Tom Bannon, CEO, California Apartment Association: With a strong background in political science and public administration, Tom Bannon leads the general management of CAA. He brings experience from his roles with U.S. Congressman Robert Matsui, the California Building Association, and the California Association of REALTORS.

Debra Carlton, Executive Vice President, State Public Affairs: Debra Carlton is the chief legislative representative at CAA, focusing on legislative and regulatory issues. Her expertise is backed by her experience in legal and legislative research, along with a BA in political science and a master’s in public administration.

Joshua Howard, Executive Vice President, Local Public Affairs: Joshua Howard leads CAA’s local public affairs and advocacy efforts across California. His background includes roles in public policy and communications, along with a BA in political science and a master’s in public administration.

Whitney Prout, Executive Vice President of Legal Affairs: An experienced attorney, Whitney Prout advises on regulatory issues and develops education and compliance materials for CAA. She holds a BA in political science and a Juris Doctorate, bringing extensive experience in litigation and compliance matters.

Melanie Woods, Vice President of Local Public Affairs in San Diego: Melanie Woods manages legislative advocacy in San Diego County. Her background in housing and land use, along with experience in public affairs and long-range planning, is complemented by her BA in economics and political science and a master’s in public administration.

Fred Sutton, Senior Vice President of Local Public Affairs in Los Angeles: Overseeing CAA’s public and legislative affairs in Los Angeles, Ventura, and Santa Barbara counties, Fred Sutton brings valuable experience from his previous roles in governmental affairs and as a deputy to an L.A. City Council member. He holds a BA in political science.