The California Apartment Association is offering a 90-minute webinar next week to help new landlords build a successful future in the rental housing business while upholding the highest ethical standards.
During CAA’s Landlord 101 webinar, attendees will learn which CAA forms to use, which background papers to review, and which other CAA webinars they should explore to put themselves in the best position to understand and comply with California’s complex landlord/tenant laws.
The webinar is scheduled for 10 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 22, and can be purchased as a live or on-demand class. The session will cover topics such as:
- Ethics
- Screening Criteria/Application Process
- Fair Housing Concerns
- Rental Agreement & Rent Basics
- Security Deposits
- Rent Collection
- Landlord’s Right of Entry
- Dealing with Difficult Situations During a Tenancy
- Rent Increases
- Turnover/Lease Renewal
- Termination of a Tenancy

“We’re holding this class for individuals who are either new to the industry or are established landlords wanting a refresher on the basics of renting and managing rental properties,” said Landlord 101 presenter Monica Deka, compliance and legislative counsel for CAA. “We want our members to be informed of their rights and obligations and have the necessary tools to provide quality housing and protect themselves from potential legal issues down the road.”
For more information about CAA’s Landlord 101 Webinar, click the button below.