Statewide, L.A. and San Diego editions online Miss the California Apartment Association’s Year-End Webinars? No worries. After debuting earlier this week, CAA’s panel-discussion webinars, designed to help rental housing providers…
Author: Mike Nemeth
Miss the California Apartment Association’s statewide, Year-End Webinar? Don’t fret. This critical, hourlong panel discussion, which originally aired Tuesday, Dec. 12, is now available on-demand. The webinar offers insights into…
The California Apartment Association is awaiting a decision in its lawsuit against Los Angeles County’s extended eviction notice period for rent arrears accrued during the COVID-19 pandemic. The association seeks…
The California Apartment Association is proud to announce the opening of registration for its Year-End webinar, a roughly hourlong panel discussion airing Dec. 12 to help rental housing providers understand…
Despite opposition from the California Apartment Association and local property owners, the Palo Alto City Council voted this week to implement a mandatory rental registry. The ordinance, approved on a…
After close to four years of no allowable increases on rent-controlled units, owners will finally get relief effective Feb. 1, 2024. The rent freeze will end in the City of…
The Costa Mesa City Council this week passed an urgency measure to enact new statewide eviction-noticing requirements ahead of schedule. In a 6-1 vote Tuesday, Nov. 7, the council approved immediate enforcement of…
Over the objections of the California Apartment Association, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors last week extended the temporary COVID-19 cap on rent increases until the middle of next…
The Los Angeles City Council on Tuesday is set to consider temporarily lowering the cap on rent increases in its rent control law when the COVID-19 rent freeze expires. …
Rental housing providers and other commercial clients of Fresno’s waste-hauling franchises are seeing an increase in rates due to a change in state law designed to reduce greenhouse gases. This…