Landmark legislation that protects a landlord’s right to leave the rental housing business has again come under attack in the California Legislature.
The assault comes from Assemblyman Alex Lee, D-San Jose, who again is attempting to advance his bill AB 854, or the “Stay in Business Forever Act.”

Lee’s proposal, which stalled in the Legislature last year after a CAA letter-writing campaign, would prohibit rental housing providers from using the Ellis Act to terminate tenancies and exit the rental market until all owners of the property have held their ownership interest for five years or more. It also would prohibit owners from attempting to ever remove a second building from the market.
AB 854 goes before the State Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee on Wednesday, Jan. 12, in its first hearing of the year.
“This bill would force rental property owners to stay in business forever, prohibit owners from moving into the building with family, and prevent conversion of units into ownership housing like condominiums or tenancies in common,” CAA says in an email asking members to contact their representatives in the Assembly.
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