Legislation aimed at providing safe storage of personal electric bikes and scooters in rental units is making progress through the California state Legislature, with critical safety measures secured by the California Apartment Association.

SB 712 by Sen. Anthony Portantino, D-La Cañada Flintridge, seeks to protect rental buildings from potential fire hazards associated with these micromobility devices. It permits tenants to store their electric bikes or scooters inside the unit, provided the device battery complies with standards recognized by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission or the European Safety Standards.
If a device’s battery fails to meet these standards, the landlord can mandate that the tenant maintain liability insurance if they store the device in the rental unit, and the landlord can prohibit the tenant from charging the device inside the unit.
“This requirement will help to ensure that the building and tenants are safe from a potential fire, which can be caused by device batteries that are not certified,” CAA says in a letter supporting the bill as amended.
The legislation also allows property owners to prohibit storage of these devices in the rental units if they provide secure, exterior storage for them.
Concerns about fire risks associated with e-bike batteries have been increasing nationwide, with instances of fast-spreading fires linked to faulty batteries in low-quality, inexpensive e-bikes, particularly in dense urban areas. The growing danger has prompted calls for tighter regulations on these batteries.
The bill is currently on the Assembly Floor and will be voted on after the Legislature’s summer recess, which began this week. Lawmakers reconvene Aug. 14.