After hearing from the California Apartment Association, San Mateo County supervisors on Monday indefinitely delayed action on proposed rental housing regulations that would be harmful to local housing providers.
The potential ordinance sought to impose stronger “just cause” eviction rules, new disclosure requirements and also aimed to limit how a landlord considers a prospective resident’s criminal history.
Leading up to the meeting, CAA and SAMCAR mobilized local rental housing providers and impacted stakeholders, urging them to take part in the session and voice their concerns about the impact these proposed regulations could have on housing providers. They argued that the county’s proposed rules were onerous, went beyond state law, and would discourage much-needed housing production. CAA also cautioned that the new rules could impose undue costs and bureaucracy that would make it more difficult for providers to continue offering quality housing in the county. These efforts generated over 1,300 letters from housing providers opposing the ordinance and more than 50 local housing providers and residents testifying against the proposal.

During the meeting, Rhovy Lyn Antonio from CAA raised concerns, stating, “If this ordinance passes, this county would be writing its own manual on how privately owned rental homes are operated in the county.” Antonio added, as reported by the San Mateo Daily Journal. “Please, do not do this. Do not give them a thank you letter by providing them with a 28-page ordinance that has 141 restrictions.”
The Board of Supervisors remained divided on the issue. Supervisors David Canepa and Ray Mueller, in particular, expressed the need for a more thorough examination of the proposed ordinance and called for increased community input before any decisions are made.
Supervisors Corzo and Slocum recognized that they did not have support from their colleagues to move forward with the ordinance, and it’s unlikely that any form of this ordinance will come forward for a vote soon.
With continued advocacy, CAA and its members aim to ensure a regulatory environment that supports the ability of housing providers to continue offering quality housing.