Sacramento County landlords and renters can now apply for grant funding to help remove lead-based paint from qualifying, pre-1978 housing.
The Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency is accepting applications to remove lead-based paint through the federal Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program.
Grant awards can be as high as $10,000 per housing unit and used toward remediation of lead-based paint that can be a health hazard – particularly to young children. Eligible homes will be inspected for lead free of charge, and there is no repayment required for any improvements made as long as other program requirements are met.

“Thousands of homes in Sacramento County potentially contain lead-based paint which is particularly dangerous to young children,” said executive director La Shelle Dozier. “We’re offering the Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program to help property owners improve their homes and rental units, making them safer, healthier environments for their families to live and thrive.”
To qualify, units must be within Sacramento County and built before 1978. Properties throughout the county, including all cities and unincorporated areas are eligible as well. Units can be owner occupied or rentals as long as income thresholds and other requirements are met.
If owner occupied, the unit must be occupied by a low-income family. It must also have a child under the age of six living in the home or be regularly visited by child, or have a pregnant woman residing in the home. If the property is a rental unit, it must be occupied by a low-income family or if vacant, owner must agree that priority for the rental will be given to a low-income family.
Learn more at SHRA’s Lead Hazard Reduction Program page.