Over the objections of the California Apartment Association, the Pomona City Council on Monday enacted an urgency rent control ordinance to serve as a stopgap while city staff drafts a permanent law.

The ordinance, approved on a 5-2 vote, will cap rent increases at either 4% or the change in the consumer price index, whichever is lower. An earlier proposal would have capped rent increases at 5% or the change in CPI.

The city attorney said the urgency ordinance is not retroactive. Sixty-day notices sent legally before Monday remain valid.

The urgency ordinance also implements eviction controls stricter than go beyond state law.

Pomona officials will soon invite a task force of landlords and tenant advocates to join city staff in drafting a permanent rent control ordinance and to come back within 60 days with a proposal. If needed, an additional 30 days will be given.