With state Senate hearings looming, the California Apartment Association has urged its members to request no votes on two anti-housing bills that could lead to stricter rent control regulations and exacerbate the state’s housing crisis.

SB 466 by Sen. Aisha Wahab, D-Hayward would allow cities to impose rent control restrictions and set price controls on any apartment unit that is 15 years old or more.

SB 567 by Sen. María Elena Durazo, D-Los Angeles, would largely repeal the California Tenant Protection Act of 2019, passed as AB 1482, and impose a statewide rent cap, limiting rent increases to the rate of inflation or 5%, whichever is lower. The bill would also make it more difficult to evict tenants and renovate older rental units.

The California Apartment Association has warned that these bills would create more regulations, penalties, and government bureaucracy, which could make it harder for rental housing providers to offer quality homes to renters across the state.
The bills are scheduled for their hearings in the Senate Judiciary Committee, with SB 466 on April 18 and SB 567 on April 25. In response, CAA has called on its members to contact members of the committee and tell them to vote against the bills.
CAA has advised its members to call several key senators and tell them “I am a California rental housing provider and I ask you to please vote NO on SB 567 and SB 466. If these bills pass, I will likely have to stop providing rental housing, and our housing crisis will only get worse. Thank you.”
To take part in the campaign, please call the following lawmakers:
Sen. Ben Allen:
Redondo Beach Office (310)318-6994
Sen. Angelique Ashby:
Sacramento Office (916)651-1529
Sen. Anna Caballero:
Fresno Office (559)264-3070
Merced Office (209)726-5495
Salinas Office (831)769-8084
Sen. Dave Min:
Irvine Office (949)223-5472
Sen. Tom Umberg:
Santa Ana Office (714)558-3785
Sen. John Laird:
Monterey Office (831) 657-6315
San Luis Obispo Office (805) 549-3784
Santa Cruz Office (831) 425-0401