Expand Your Reach with CAA Advertising Opportunities!

Powered by people and technology, CAA offers unparalleled opportunities for you to connect with rental property owners and management companies, ensuring your products and services reach the right audience effectively.

The CAA Audience

We are one of the largest statewide associations in the nation, representing more than 60,000 owners and professionals managing more than 1 million units in California.

Owners & Managers




We proudly represent rental housing and multifamily owners and management companies throughout the state.

Advertising Options

Industry Directory

Combined Media Channel Discounts

Buy any two media channels and get $100 discount!

All advertising sales are exclusive to CAA Members Only.

1. The CAA Website

CAAnet.org is the premier destination for compliance information in California’s rental housing industry. It offers:

  • Access to essential legal updates and industry trends
  • Downloadable operational forms
  • Connection with industry vendors


  • Targeted Visibility: Reach influential rental housing professionals
  • Year-Round Exposure: Maintain brand recognition
  • Exclusive Ad Space: Only 6 rotating ads per page
See options and rates
Website Advertising6 month1 year
Top/Left Side Ad$1,500$2,800
Middle Side Ad$1,400$2,600
Lower/Right Side Ad$1,250$2,300
Ad specifications

Side Ads:
> Size: 170×178 pixels
> Format: jpg, png, gif
Footer Ad:
> Size: 728×90 pixels
> Format: jpg, png, gif

On average, every month caanet.org receives

145,298 sessions

page views

88,137 users

82% new users

Monthly average for 2023. Source: Google Analytics

2. CAA News “Rental Housing Report” Bi-Weekly Newsletter

Promote your business in our CAA eNewsletter, reaching an engaged audience with the latest industry topics and association news.

Benefits of advertising in our eNewsletter:

  • Targeted Exposure: Reach over 45,000 decision-makers every two weeks.
  • Increased Engagement: Frequently forwarded to others, providing additional exposure.
  • Direct Traffic: Directs visitors to your landing page, facilitating the purchasing process.
  • Exclusivity: Limited ad space ensures your position remains unique.
  • Creative Support: Additional options for art creation if you don’t have a designer.
See options and rates
eNews Advertising6 month, twice monthly1 year, twice monthly
Top Ad$1,900$3,500
Middle Ad$1,700$3,000
Lower Ad$1,500$2,550

Ad specifications

Size: 240×218 pixels
Format: jpg, png, gif

Our newsletter reaches more than 45,000 decision-makers every other week.

Interested in Advertising?

Build brand recognition with members who spend $625 million per year on products and services. Contact your CAA Membership Representative today!

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