A newly introduced bill would overhaul the Tenant Protection Act of 2019, or AB 1482, by dramatically lowering the rent cap and applying the limit to previously exempt single-family homes.…
A bill that would have permitted certain individuals to pose as prospective tenants and secretly record conversations with landlords to gather evidence of potential discriminatory housing practices has been shelved…
An initial hearing is set for legislation that would authorize California cities and counties to impose strict rent controls on single-family homes, condominiums and apartments as soon as they turn…
A bill recently introduced in the California Assembly would allow certain individuals to pose as prospective tenants and secretly record conversations with landlords to gather evidence of potential discriminatory housing…
Under a newly introduced Assembly bill, California cities would no longer be able to force landlords to evict renters based on alleged actions at or near the property. The bill,…
A newly introduced bill would limit a landlord’s use of credit reports when screening prospective tenants with Section 8 housing vouchers or other government rent subsidies. The bill, SB 267…
Extreme tenant activists and some of their allies in the state Legislature attacked California’s rental housing industry with a deluge of anti-housing provider bills this year. We’re happy to report,…
Heading into Tuesday’s elections, CAA’s sponsored political committees are financially supporting numerous candidates that value the rental housing industry and recognize the importance of the industry to a vibrant California…
Gov. Newsom this week signed into law legislation that will limit the use of wage garnishment in the collection of unpaid rent and other debts. The California Apartment Association and…
A bill that would limit the use of wage garnishment in the collection of unpaid rent and other debts has reached Gov. Newsom’s desk. The bill, SB 1477 by state Sen. Bob…