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Forms CA-420
Itemized Statement of Charges
This form can be used when there are not a sufficient number of pages to itemize charges other than rent for each month with unpaid charges on the Three-Day Notice…
Industry Insights
Leases: Premature Termination by Tenant
This paper describes the actions owners must take to maximize the amount of rent they can collect after a tenant prematurely terminates the lease. This paper also discusses how to…
This form notifies the tenant on a Lease Agreement, that the rental property must be surrendered no later than 90 days following service of notice for foreclosure. Proof of Service…
This form notifies the tenant on a month-to-month Rental Agreement, that the rental property must be surrendered no later than 90 days following service of notice for foreclosure. Proof of…
Forms CA-242S
Notice of Expiration of Fixed Term Lease and Renewal Offer (Tenancies Subject to AB 1482 Just Cause) (Spanish)
This form is for properties that (1) are subject to AB 1482 just cause and (2) have a fixed term lease under which the lease expires at the end of…
Forms CA-240
Notice of Non-Renewal of Lease
This form is not legally required. It provides a courtesy notice to the Resident that at the end of the term, the lease will not be renewed. Do not complete…
Industry Insights
Oakland’s Rent Control Law – The Tenant Move Out Agreement Ordinance
The Oakland City Council adopted the Rent Adjustment Program (RAP) in 1980. As of August 1, 2022, the RAP allows an annual rent increase of 60% of the change in…
Forms CA-245
Premature Lease Termination Information
This form is used for when a resident terminates the rental lease prior to the expiration date. It specifies the Resident’s obligations under the terms of the Lease Agreement. Do…